Anselm Kiefer – an exhibition.

The German painter and artist Anselm Kiefer was born in 1945. He is one of the greatest artists of our time and he has been greatly influenced by Vincent Van Gogh. As a result, this exhibition can be seen in part in the Stedelijk museum and the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam.

If you know Anselm Kiefer, you will have lots of reasons to come to this event. Do you know why? The artist is creating special works that will be on the display for the first time at this given exhibition, meaning they have never been seen before. If you go to the Van Gogh museum, you can see works of Anselm Kiefer on display together with paintings made by Vincent Van Gogh. If you go to the Stedelijk museum, you will get a big collection of his works displayed together in one place. Why visit only one of the museums when you have this opportunity to visit both museums and to learn more about Anselm Kiefer?

Anselm Kiefer – an exhibition.

Locations: Stedelijk museum and the Van Gogh Museum
Dates: March 7, 2025 – June 9, 2025

You can read more about other exhibitions, concerts and events in Amsterdam here.

Martin Wong: Malicious Mischief – an exhibition.

Martin Wong was a painter who made pictures with his hands and brushes. He was born in 1946 and lived in America. Martin liked to paint scenes of cities, especially New York City. He used bright colors and made his paintings look like a mix of dreams and reality.

One cool thing about Martin Wong is that he loved to show the life of everyday people in his art. He liked to paint neighborhoods and the people who lived there. Martin also liked to include words in his paintings, like graffiti or signs, to make them more interesting.

Martin Wong’s paintings are special because they tell stories. They show the beauty in ordinary things, like buildings and streets. Even though he is no longer alive, people still enjoy looking at his paintings and thinking about the stories they tell.

Martin Wong: Malicious Mischief in the Stedelijk Museum.

Dates: November 3, 2023 – April 1, 2024
Location: Stedelijk Museum

You can visit the exhibition by paying the normal entrance fee to the museum.

You can read more about other exhibitions, concerts, festivals, markets, and programs in Amsterdam here.

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Exhibition on Ed Atkins

Ed AtkinsA major exhibition will be on display of Ed Atkins at the Stedelijk Museum in the Netherlands from the end of February to the end of May in 2015.

This will be the first exhibition only devoted to Ed Atkins in the Netherlands. Ed Atkins who was born in 1982 in Oxford, England is considered one of the most outstanding and influential artists of his generation. Atkins who grew up with online technology it became the artists second nature. At the exhibition visitors will have the chance to discover this new and unique form of art through the pictures shown of the artists and the exhibition also shows a wide range of various videos. This unique exhibition approaches this new and unknown form of art from a brand new perspective. The exhibition on one of the greatest artists of the contemporary art will be shown at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam. The exhibition will be held from 21sth February to 31st May in 2015. Tickets for adults for the exhibition costs € 15, for students it is for € 7.50 and for children up to 18 is for free.

Stedelijk Museum
Museumplein 10, 1071 DJ Amsterdam, Holland

For more information on the museum and the exhibitions check the following site.

Second World War exhibition

Second World WarThe exhibition ‘Stedelijk in the war’ will be shown from the end of February until the end of May in 2015 at the Stedelijk Museum.

The exhibition ‘Stedelijk in the war’ reveal the secrets on the collections and art works of the museum during the Second World War. The recent research by the museum shown interesting results that will be shown to the visitors through presentations including a wide selection of famous and less famous art works and documentations. The research shows that many of the collectors and the painters were Jewish and an other interesting story brought to light about the transfer of the Stedelijk collection to a bunker during the World War II.

At the exhibition visitors will have the chance to discover more on the Stedelijk Museum and also on the World War II. During the exhibition ‘Stedelijk in the war’ visitors will have the chance to explore stories and tales that has never been told before and this interesting exhibition shows the life and art during the World War II from a new perspective. The exhibition ‘Stedelijk in the war’ will be held at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam from 27th February to 31st May in 2015.

Stedelijk Museum
Museumplein 10, 1071 DJ Amsterdam, Holland

For more information on exhibitions in Amsterdam, check the following site.

Exhibition on the works of Henri Matisse

MatisseThe Henri Matisse retrospective exhibition will be open from March to August this year in Amsterdam. Henri Matisse was a French artist who lived from 1869 to 1954.

Matisse was one of the most outstanding artist of the 20th century and his work had a big influence on the development of art. Matisse was best known for using colours and different media such as nudes, potted plants, idyllic landscapes, carpets, colourful textiles and cut-outs and at the exhibition visitors can explore the various forms of his art. The exhibition shows the most famous and popular art works of him including the monumental cut-out The Parakeet and the Mermaid as well and along side with his most outstanding pictures visitors will also have the chance to discover other works of Matisse. At the exhibition rarely exhibited works will be presented as well such as various stained glass works, works with fabrics and other cut-outs as well. The exhibition on Henri Matisse will take place in Amsterdam at Stedelijk Museum from 27th March to 16th August 2015.

Stedelijk Museum
Museumplein 10, 1071 DJ Amsterdam, Holland

For more information on exhibitions in Amsterdam, click the link!

Marlene Dumas – The Image as Burden

DumasMarlene Dumas is a South-African painter and artist who lives and works in the Netherlands. She was born in 1953 in South-Africa.

She used to create paintings, drawings, prints, collages and installations but nowadays she works mainly with oil paint on canvas and ink on paper. The exhibition displays a wide range of paintings from the South-African painter and visitors will have the chance to discover the paintings and their meanings in a new way. There will be more than 100 pictures shown at the exhibition from Dumas mostly from the late 1970s to the present day. The pictures are collected to the exhibition from all over the world. One of the main themes of the exhibition is the affect the media and magazines have on our life and how the outer world impacts our lives. She uses the magazines and newspaper to analyse the psychological, social and political aspects of the images. She is one of the most inspiring artist of the modern age. The exhibition will be held in the Dutch capital in Amsterdam at Stedelijk Museum. It will be shown from 6th September 2014 to 4th January 2015.

If you want to know more about the museum and the exhibition visit the official site for more information.